Source code for trelawney.surrogate_explainer

import operator
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Callable, Tuple, Union

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sklearn

from trelawney.base_explainer import BaseExplainer
import trelawney.tree_explainer
# import trelawney.logreg_explainer

[docs]class SurrogateExplainer(BaseExplainer): """ A surrogate model is a substitution model used to explain the initial model. Therefore, substitution models are generally simpler than the initial ones. Here, we use single trees and logistic regressions as surrogates. """ def __init__(self, surrogate_model: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, class_names: Optional[List[str]] = None): if type(surrogate_model) not in [sklearn.tree.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier, sklearn.linear_model.base.LinearRegression]: raise NotImplementedError('SurrogateExplainer is only available for single trees (single_tree) and logistic' 'regression (logistic_regression) at the time being.') self._surrogate = surrogate_model self._explainer = None self._x_train = None self._model_to_explain = None self._adequation_metric = None self._class_names = class_names
[docs] def fit(self, model: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, x_train: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], y_train: pd.DataFrame): x_train = self._get_dataframe_from_mixed_input(x_train) self._model_to_explain = model self._x_train = x_train.values if type(self._surrogate) == sklearn.tree.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier:, self._model_to_explain.predict(self._x_train)) self._adequation_metric = sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score self._explainer = trelawney.tree_explainer.TreeExplainer(self._class_names).fit(self._surrogate, x_train, y_train) else: raise NotImplementedError #, self._model_to_explain.predict_probas(x_train)) # self._adequation_metric = sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error # self._explainer = trelawney.logreg_explainer.LogRegExplainer().fit(self._surrogate) return self
[docs] def adequation_score(self, metric: Union[Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float], str] = 'auto', ): """ returns an adequation score between the output of the surrogate and the output of the initial model based on the x_train set given. """ if metric != 'auto': self._adequation_metric = metric return self._adequation_metric(self._model_to_explain.predict(self._x_train), self._surrogate.predict(self._x_train))
[docs] def feature_importance(self, x_explain: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], n_cols: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, float]: """ returns a relative importance of each feature globally as a dict. :param x_explain: the dataset to explain on :param n_cols: the maximum number of features to return """ x_explain = self._get_dataframe_from_mixed_input(x_explain) return self._explainer.feature_importance(x_explain, n_cols)
[docs] def explain_local(self, x_explain: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], n_cols: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """ returns local relative importance of features for a specific observation. :param x_explain: the dataset to explain on :param n_cols: the maximum number of features to return """ x_explain = self._get_dataframe_from_mixed_input(x_explain) return self._explainer.explain_local(x_explain, n_cols)
[docs] def plot_tree(self, out_path: str = './tree_viz'): """returns the colored plot of the decision tree and saves an Image in the wd.""" if type(self._surrogate) != sklearn.tree.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier: raise TypeError('plot_tree is only available for single tree surrogate') return self._explainer.plot_tree(out_path=out_path)